Artist Zaria Forman makes the most incredibly beautiful drawings of ice and water I’ve ever seen. She originally wanted to capture the properties of light in icy locations like Greenland and Antarctica, but she quickly realized she could use her art to raise awareness about climate change.

About Greenland, she says:

“Documenting climate change, the work addresses the concept of saying goodbye on scales both global and personal. In Greenland, I scattered my mother’s ashes amidst the melting ice.”

And about Antarctica, she says:

“Many of us are intellectually aware that climate change is our greatest global challenge, and yet the problem may feel abstract, the imperiled landscapes remote. I hope my drawings make Antarctica’s fragility visceral to the viewer, emulating the overpowering experience of being beside a glacier.”

Her drawings are large: typically 60″ by 90″. I can only guess that looking at them on a fairly small computer screen barely does them justice, and imagine that standing next to one of these drawings would offer a completely different and perhaps overwhelming experience.

Check out Zaria Forman’s beautiful work at her web site and this short video about her and her work.

Whale Bay, Antarctica no.4 by Zaria Forman