On September 19 in Paris, 140 animals sailed up the River Seine to bring awareness to climate change, ahead of the COP21 UN meeting coming up in December. French artist Gad Weil created this pop art piece from fully recyclable acrylic sheets, and installed the animals on top of a barge in front of the Eiffel Tower.

The animals will be a visible reminder to attendees of the summit that many species are threatened by climate change, including our own. We are in the midst of the 6th great extinction, losing species at 1000 times the normal rate of extinction due to human destruction of natural habitat and loss of habitat due to climate change.

For more images of the animals check out http://netcomedy.net/climate-noahs-arch-project-by-french-artist-gad-weil-will-be-exhibited-in-paris/ and http://www.bbc.co.uk/newsround/34302640.