With the COP21 UN meetings in December coming up fast, there have been an increasing number of projects getting up and running that aim to communicate our — the public’s — desire for our leaders to do something to curb climate change. Tweeting, writing to our representatives, making art, participating in marches,… there are many many ways to make your voice heard.

One of the art projects that will be installed in Paris during the COP21 events is the COPBox. This box allows you to make a video recording to share your ideas for the climate with the negotiators at the meeting. The video messages will be shared on social media as well as transmitted directly to the Secretariat General of the COP21 meeting.

The COPBox is already in test mode with videos available on their youtube site.

This project got me wondering: could we send a video message from Bainbridge to COP21 leaders? What if we all recorded a short video message on our phones and combined them into a collection to send a long as a message from Bainbridge Island?